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    Ectopic pergnancy

    Ectopic pergnancy

    Definition:pergnancy in abnormal site that is outside the normal uterine cavity

    3:abdominal or intraperitoneal
    6:rudimentary horn
    7:secondary abdominal pergnancy
    8:broad ligament
    9:primary abdominal

    (1):causes in tube:
    A:smoking at the time of conception which decreas tubal motility and ciliary movements
    B:change in tubal motility causes by exogenous hormones 
    C:endometriosis in the tube
    D:inflammatory inflation lead to stenosis of tube and destruction of ciliary e.g(chronic salpingitis)
    E:trumatic: after operation as salpingoplasty and tubal ligation
    F:functional: as tubal spasm or antiperistaltic contraction
    G: neoplastic narrowing of the tube by fibroid or broad ligament tumer 
    H:congenital as long and marrow tube


    1:undisturbed tubal pregnancy
    Discover during the routine examination of pregnancy 
    Symptoms and sign:-
    1:amenorrhoea for short period for 1or2 months
    2:nausea and vomiting
    3:in the iliac fossa present of full aching pain 
    Tenderness in one iliac fossa
    When it is moved from siad to siad (jumping sign _ cervical excitation _ chandelier sign)and the mass may be in one siad of uterus 

    2: Subacut types(60℅)
    caused by tubal mole tubal abortion peritubal or paratubal haematoma
    1:short period of amenorrhoea for 1 or 2 months 
    2:symptoms of early pregnancy 
    3: pain in one iliac fossa dull aching .sharp stabbing or colicky
    4:faiting attack or shock
    5:vaginal bleeding dark brown in colour and occurs after pain
    Tenderness and rigidity in one iliac fossa.cullen sign(bluish colouration around the umbilicus due to presence of blood in the peritoneal cavity

    3:-acute type
    Sudden severe intraperitoneal haemorrhage
    Sudden severe abdominal pain occuring after short period of amenorrhoea shoulder pain may be felt in lying down due to diaphragmatic irritation by blood
    Generalized tenderness and rigidity there may be shifting dullness and bluish colouration around the umbilicus 

    4:-Chronic type with pelvic haematocele
    1:-history of amenorrhoea 
    2:lower abdominal pain fainting and vaginal bleeding 
    3:-pressure symptoms due to accumulation of blood in Douglas pouch as dysuria dyschezia and dyspareunia 
    1:-pelvi abdominal swelling may be felt which is fixed and ill defined
    2:-in the vaginal there is fixed .tender mass bulging through the posterior fornix it is soft firm or hard if calcified depends in duration 

    Special investigation in ectopic pregnancy:
    1:- compelet blood count HB decrease 
    2:-urinalysis excludes pyelonephritis and renal colicky
    3:-urinary pregnancy test:can detect small amount of HCG 
    3:-Radioimmunoassay of beta subunit of HCG in serum is avery sensitive test and detect small amount of hormone
    4:-serum progesteron :more than 25nanograms/ml alevel less than 5nanogram/ml ectopic pregnancy 
    5:-ultrsound:- mor sensitive for diagnose ectopic pregnancy 
    6:-laparoscopy : confirm the diagnosis in case of doubt it is not done in the presence excessive intraperitoneal haemorrhage it may be fail to diagnosis an early unruptured tubal pregnancy

    1:- Medical tertment:. Only undisturbed
    Methoterxit and cytotoxic drugs 
    DNA i.m 50mg/sec
    Criteria for medical tertment
    Sac <3cm
    No cardiac activity
    B HCG less than 3000ml/iu
    2:-acute  subacut and chronic
    Looking to anther tube
     if normally can do salbingectomy 
    If anther tube affected seve it by doing salbingostomy
    More:- if RH-ve give anti-D

    Dofferential Diagnosis:-
    Tubal inflammatory mass
    Appendicular mass
    Uterine abortion
    Bleeding in to a corpus luteum
    Rupture of spleen
    Pregnancy with an ovarian cyst or posterior wall fibroid 
    Some cases of rupture of uter

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