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       metoclopramid :- 

    Is a dopamine antagonist

    .  (Block c.t.z ) 

    Accelerators intestinal transit and gastric emptying by preventing  relaxation  of gastric body and increasing  phasing activity  of antrum .

    It decrease reflux in to esophagus.  

    Uses (indication):- 

    As antiemitic in : 
    1⃣ - relief of symptoms of acute , recurrent  diabetic gastroparesis.  
    2⃣ - relief of symptoms of treatment of heat burn and delayed gastric emptying .
    3⃣ - treatment  of drugs related postoperative  N, V ( nausea , vomiting ) .
    4⃣ - gasto-medication. 

    Adverse Effects :- 

    (side effects ) :

    1- restlessness.
    2- drowsiness 
    3- depression , diarrhea  . 
    4 - hypesprolactinaemia ( prolong admine )   
    5- methaemoglobinaemia in G6PD deficiency.

    Dosage and administration :-

    1 tablet three times daily before  meals . 

    (The children's  dose should not exceed 0.5mg/kg body weight per day ) 

    Contraindications :-

    -GIT hemorrhage. 
    -Mechanical obstruction or -perforation
    -Co-administered anticholinergic.

    Drug- interaction :- 

    ☝🏻 analgesics ➡ increase  absorption  by metaclopramide  . 

    ☝🏻 Anti- muscarinic ➡ antagonist  effect 

    ☝🏻anti- psychotic ➡ increase  risk of extrapyramidal  effects  . 

    Dosage  form :-
    ▪Syrup .

    Trade Name  :- 
    Plemazol 10mg tab .drops
    Primosan 10mg tab . Syr. Drops 
    Metlazel  10mg tab . Drops 
    Clopram  syrup . Drops .
    Metoclopramid 10mg inj
    Metamid 10mg inj .
    Vomtin 10mg inj .
    Vitamet 10mg inj .

    إعداد الدكتورة :-


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