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    Alopecia areata (الثعلبه)

    alopecia areata
    asymptomatic disease characterized by rabid onset of complete hair loss in asharply defined area of the scalp or other body sites


    posative family history in some cases
    immune system mechanisms
    association with thyroid disease,prenicious anemia,vitiligo and atopy

    Commonly, alopecia areata involves hair loss in one or more round spots on the scalp
    Hair may also be lost more diffusely over the whole scalp, in which case the condition is called diffuse alopecia areata

    Alopecia areata monolocularis describes baldness in only one spot. It may occur anywhere on the hea
    Alopecia areata multilocularis refers to multiple areas of hair loss

    Ophiasis refers to hair loss in the shape of a wave at the circumference of the head
    The disease may be limited only to the beard, in which case it is called alopecia areata barbae

    If the patient loses all the hair on the scalp, the 
    disease is then called alopecia totalis

    If all body hair, including pubic hair, is lost,the diagnosis then becomes alopecia universalis

    Alopecia areata totalis and universalis are rare


    Age:moste cases are children and young adult

    Site:commonly in the scalp,other site in
     beard,mustatche and eyebrown

    Lesion:one or more usually rounded well_demercated area completely devoid of hair
    Hairs plucked from the margin of the area are ofen ''club hairs''is in telogen
    at the periphery of the lesion ,haire are found having normal upper shift and narrowed  base

    nails may be pitted and ridged


    Topical steroid
    Local irritiant as tincture capsicum
    Topical sensitizers as dinitrochlorobenzene(DNCB)
    intralesional injection of steroid

    DR:Khalid Alshameri

    Zenab Al-Gothamy Dermatology
    Wekipedia medicin

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